Ajaokuta Federal lawmaker refurbishes Transformer for 500 Housing community.

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Ajaokuta Federal lawmaker refurbishes Transformer for 500 Housing community.

The Member representing Ajaokuta Federal Constituency, Alhaji Lawal Idris has been commended for his efforts at alleviating the plights of the masses.

Chairman of the Five Hundred Housing Estate, Ganaja Lokoja, Alhaji Ali Abdul-Ogodu gave the commendation while receiving cash gift donated by the Lawmaker in Lokoja for the resuscitation of a vandalized transformer in the area.

Alhaji Ogodu described the gesture of the Lawmaker as humane, saying that most parts of the estate were thrown into blackout for over six weeks, following the draining of its transformer oil.

While urging other Political Office holders to have more concern for the plight of their Constituents, the Estate Chairman, enjoined them to assist the Estate in rehabilitating some of its dillapitaded roads.

Alhaji Abdul-Ogodu enjoined residents of the Estate to be security conscious at all times and report suspicious movements to the appropriate quarters.

Recalled that following the draining of the transformer oil, the residents of the estate have being contributing money to buy the oil for the resuscitation of light to affected parts of the estate until the timely intervention of the lawmaker.


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