2023 Yagba Federal Constituency Election; Leke Abejide Remains The People’s Choice.

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2023 Yagba Federal Constituency Election; Leke Abejide Remains The People’s Choice.

By Rotimi Phillip

The 2019 House of Representatives Election in Yagba federal Constituency that Produced Elder Leke Abejide is still being adjudged as the most Democratic and Credible one in the history of Yagba Land.

The Election was so transparent that Elder Leke’s other contenders easily and quickly accepted defeat without putting up any challenge both at the election tribunal and in the court of law.

Though in the build up to the 2019 House of Representatives Election in the Yagba Axis of okun area, the ADC as a political party was so novel and relatively obscure in the political arena yet with a credible candidate in the person of Leke Abejide the party was able to gain prominence within a period of two years.

Elder Leke has been able to demonstrate that a good politician can win election based on his own personal pedigree inrespective of political party structure.

It was clear to all political actors that the people of Yagba federal constituency wholeheartedly accepted the candidature of Leke Abejide.


Hon Leke Abejide has introduced a new dimension into the politics of Okun Land with his annual payments of SSCE WAEC Examination fees for students across Yagba Land.
To show his commitment to raising future generation of letters , he expanded the programme to cover both public and private schools which for 2022 set, it will cost him seventy million naira.

An initiative which everyone has come to accept as having direct impacts and benefits for each of the families and households in the federal constituency.

Instead of the old practice of giving handouts and crumbs to people during elections campaign or engaging in votes buying on Election Day.
Leke Abejide has been able to provide genuine dividence of democracy for his people by developing their children and wards with the basic level of education for them.

This usually philanthropic gesture has remained an indelible part of the reason why the people have come to love him and his political movement. The gesture has gone a long way in reducing the financial burden of parents in the constituency.

There is a common saying in the local Palace that there is absolutely no reason to change a winning horse at the verge of victory. Which goes to prove that with the great support and love that Elder Leke has enjoyed and still enjoying from the yagba people, his reelection bid would only turn out to be a mere formality , if all things being equal, because he remain the only choice of the people.

It is therefore expected that all well meaning Yagba people and lovers of good things to appeal to Leke’s Political opponents to throw in the towel and allow the performing Honourable House of Representatives member to continue his good works.

More so other political gladiators in Yagba Land should bury their individual interests and rally support for Leke Abejide whose high level of performance has remained indelible in the heart of the people.

There is absolutely no reason for confusion nor distraction in the minds of the constituents. The people have warmly made up their minds to give Elder Abejide another opportunity to represent them.

It has become an acceptable and general opinion that the people of yagba descents are just eagerly awaiting another opportunity to cast their votes for Abejide 2nd term in office come 2023.

In a matter of days from now precisely on Friday 11th February 2022 another set of students would be benefiting from the annual payments of WAEC fees.

While numerous infrastructural development are ongoing in all parts of Yagba Land courtesy of Leke Abejide quality representations.

Without a doubt Leke would remain as the choice of the people because the voice of the people is the voice of God.

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