APC Reps Primaries ; We will ensure victory for Hon. Abel Egbita– Traditional Head, Abbah/ Ichekpa Dynasty in Ankpa LGA.

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As the build up to the APC  primaries enters final phase, the Aju Abbah/ Ichekpa Descendants’  Union in Ankpa LGA has given their unalloyed support for the aspiration of Hon. Abel Egbita,for the House of representatives to represent Ankpa/ Olamaboro/ Omala Federal Constituency.
The traditional head of the lineages in Ankpa, Chief Odoma Ejeh ( Dooga) made the declaration when Hon. Abel Egbita and his  supporters visited him recently in his residence at Ankpa town
He explained that Abbah and Ichekpa were brothers who own both Ife and Odo in the present Omala Local Government Area of kogi state.
He said their forefathers migrated to Ankpa , but they have been keeping touch with their kiths and kin at home through organised Association across length and breadth of Ankpa LGA and some districts in Olamaboro LGA.
The royal father who was highly elated by the visit of the ebullient politician , thank God for the courage and confidence of the son of one of their daughters to contest the exalted office of the House of representatives.
Going memory lane, he averred that, Mrs Ruth Egbita , daughter of Salifu Sani Ogene, was known and active to the association and promise to mobilise available resources to ensure that Hon.Abel Egbita scale the primary.
He added that the Abbah and Ichekpa Descendants are politically active across the districts in Ankpa and Olamaboro, assures of  mobilising enough delegates and voters at the primary and general elections.
According to him, the courage and confidence of the budding politician excites him, stressing that for the first time in their political history, one of their own is contesting for the House of representatives seat.
” We are greatful for the courtsey call. We have been longing to see one of our own in the political race. Your aspiration has made us proud. Since, we hear of your journey into politics, we have been mobilising our sons and daughters who are delegates for your cause and they have assured us of not only their votes but , that of their friends.
” We assure you that our networks will be utilised to garner needed delegates for you. Our promise is not political gymicks but from our hearts. ” He reiterated.
In a remark, Hon. Egbita thanked the royal father and his council for the reception, stressing that he was grateful to God to have connected with his roots in Ankpa LGA.
He said that the enthusiasm shown by the people to his political cause, is a testimony of God’ s involvement and urge them not to relent in their support and prayers until victory assured.

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