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*Commends Omala Chairman, Hon. Aboh for uncommon love for the family.
By Hon. Simeon Omale. JP.
The family of Late PA. OMALE AKAWO wishes to say a very big thank you for taken part in one way or the other during the life, death and burial of our beloved grand mother, mother, sister and Aunt, Late Mrs. ÓMAYE OMALE (Nee Akobu).
Due to the long list of protocol, permit me to step down mentioning you one after another.
 Despite that, I must not fail to mention the Executive Chairman of Omala Local Government Council, Hon. Ibrahim Yakubu Aboh. Your leadership prowess was once again brought to bear  and proved  beyond reasonable doubt during the moment of our grief. We sincerely appreciate your kind gesture sir.
To all of you, your show of love in terms of presence, calls, messages, gifts in cash and in kind and prayers as a group and individual, including all faith based organisations, political/social associates, friends and relatives count a great deal during our trying time.
It is our prayer that you all continue to witness the ease in your benevolence brought us. May the most High GOD grant you all your heart desires. May your days be filled with all that gladdens your minds positively.
Thank you all and GOD bless.
The Family.

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