General Akpaumontia, 12 Brigade Commander, visits Ata’Igala, pledges sustained Security.

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General Akpaumontia, 12 Brigade Commander visits AtaIgala,pledges sustained Security.


Treasure Julius LOKOJA

Brig. -Gen Isang Akpaumontia, the new Commander, 12 Brigade, Nigerian Army, on Friday paid courtesy visit to the Atta of Igala, Dr Mattew Alaji Opaluwa Oguche Akpa of Igala Kingdom.

In his remarks, Brig.-Gen. Akpaumontia, stated that the familiarisation tour and courtesy visit was geared towards paying homage to the monarch and soliciting for his majesty’s support.

According to Gen. Akpaumontia, the homage is in continuation of his courtesy visit to monarchs across the state.

The Brigade Commander, said he was honoured to be in the presence of Attah Igalaland and assured the continued security of Igala and Kogi as a whole.

In his response, HRM Atta Igala, appreciated the Commander for the visit, appreciating the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt. -Gen. Farouk Yahaya for his welfare gift to him.

The paramount ruler assured that the Nigerian Army would always be welcomed in his Kingdom anytime.

Asides the courtesy visit, the Brigade commander in his effort to get acquainted with his Area of responsibility, visited deployments within the State to assess their combat readiness.

The highlight of the visit was presentation of souvenirs, gift items from the COAS and gift items from his royal majesty to the Commander.


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