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By Abubakar Yusuf

Yesterday the 31st of August 2023 the world woke up to a news story credited to
the Commander, NNS BEECROFT of the Nigeria Navy, Commodore Kolawole Olumide
Oguntuga, that the Nigerian Navy arrested four Tantita personnel for alleged crude
oil theft. It would have been comedy, if it was not also tragedy.

The Navy is a constitutional institution mandated to keep Nigeria’s seaward
borders safe from invasion, criminality and free for economic activities. Tantita
respects the institution and its constitutional mandate. And it was out of that
respect that a couple weeks ago when there was a face off between the service
and Tantita over the MT Praisel, our organisation preferred to leave the Nigerian
Navy to have the last word on the issue.

It was our belief at the time that the
matter was a misunderstanding which could have been better handled for the good
of the nation and the common objective of Tantita and the Navy – the prevention
of economic sabotage by oil thieves plying their nefarious trade on our nation’s

However the present incident, coming barely three weeks after, does not seem to
support that notion. What seems to be playing is a poorly written tragicomedy.
The Nigerian Navy’s story is that in the early hours of August 29th 2023 there was
an attempt by Tantita operatives to steal crude which they foiled. They claim to
have been responding to distress calls from youths in Itolou Community in the
Lekki axis of Lagos, and “reviewing the information, Naval patrol teams
immediately launched a response operation.

Upon arrival at the scene, the Naval
team met 4 individuals dressed in black polo shirts with TANTITA inscribed on the
back, trying to recover a dismantled outboard engine from a local. The team
recovered the engine and apprehended the 4 Tantita Employees.”
According to the Nigerian Navy’s statement, “It was after this arrest that the
patrol team realized that the 4 individuals are part of a movement of a large
wooden boat laden with 11 x 1000L Geepee tanks with product suspected to be
stolen crude oil.”

So it would be seen that at the time of arrest, the only crime that the Tantita
operatives were alleged to have committed was trying to recover a dismantled
outboard engine. Thus, recovering outboard engines is now a crime. More
interesting is the absence of a link between the outboard engine recovery story
and the sudden epiphany – the realization by the navy patrol team that the four
individuals they arrested are part of a movement of a large wooden boat at sea
carrying stolen crude oil.

The disjoint in the story is jarring.
On the other hand, this is what happened in fact.
On Monday the 28th of August 2023 at about 0130hours a Tantita Security Services
Patrol team operating in the Ondo State area received credible intelligence that a
motorised wooden boat was illegally loading crude oil from an Offshore Oil Well
Jacket – in fact the same Well Jacket in OML 110 operated by Cavendish Petroleum Nigeria Limited, where the MT TURA II was caught stealing Crude Oil a few months

An advance team was dispatched to find the wooden boat while a back up team
consisting of Nigeria Civil Defence and Security Corps (NSCDC) component of the
Government Security Agencies (GSA) was assembled to follow through on the lead.
While we cannot name the NSCDC personnel for obvious reasons, they were six in
number and our personnel were eight not four in number.

The advance team with the help of local fisherfolk was able to determine that the
motorised wooden boat was heading in the direction of Lagos and gave hot pursuit.

Upon noticing the approaching Tantita teams the crew of the motorised wooden
boat abandoned the wooden boat for their speed boat. One team of Tantita and
NSCDC personnel boarded the wooden boat to secure the evidence while another
team gave hot pursuit.

There is video evidence of the Tantita team together with NSCDC personnel coming
alongside the wooden boat, boarding and attempting to secure the boat.

There is also evidence of the Tantita and GSA team giving chase to the crew of the
boat. How then did the Nigerian Navy get involved in this operation?

The video also shows the Tantita crew trying to secure the wooden boat which was
taking in water (this could have resulted from an attempt to scuttle the boat by
the escaping crew; anyone who understands Yoruba can listen in on the

Surprisingly the escaping crew of the motorised wooden boat fled in the direction
of the Nigerian Navy Forward Operation Base at Ibeju-Lekki, so the Tantita and
NSCDC personnel followed in hot pursuit believing that the criminals would meet
their Waterloo there. They were wrong. Instead of the fleeing crew being arrested,

it was the Tantita personnel who came down to apprehend the fleeing crew that
was arrested. After arresting Tantita personnel and freeing the crew, the Nigerian
Navy personnel then went to the motorised wooden boat and drove out the
combined Tantita/GSA team trying to keep the boat and the evidence afloat.
The Nigerian Navy press release was nothing but a smear campaign, the Navy has
been sharing pictures in social media of the Tantita staff in their custody in various
shades of undress but kept silent about the names of the boat crew whom they
were chasing?

In short, where is the crew that the Tantita personnel chased into
Ibeju Lekki?
Most importantly, where is the boat now? You can clearly see the boat in the video
provided below. Did the Nigerian Navy secure the boat? Can the Nigerian Navy
explain the whereabouts of the motorised wooden boat? They were the last seen
with the boat.

Nigerians can see why we are forced to say that the Nigerian Navy’s press release
was nothing but a smear campaign against Tantita and possibly a cover up. Is it
possible that the Nigerian Navy deploys costly assets in these days of expensive
petrol/diesel to respond communal distress calls involving commercial disputes as
to ownership of outboard engines? Again, let us assume for the sake of argument
that the distress call was with respect to shooting in Itolou community in Lekki
area of Lagos State, what became of that investigation? Can the Navy tell the
nation, after four days of investigation, who was shooting?

The time frames here are important. Tantita patrol team took off at 0130hrs (1:30
at night) on Monday 28th August 2023, and spotted the wooden boat at
approximately 1400hours (2 in the afternoon) same Monday 28th August 2023 and
were arrested by the Navy a few hours later on Monday 28th of August 2023.

Why then did the Navy press release say it arrested Tantita personnel on Tuesday 29th
August 2023? Why is the Navy saying it arrested 4 persons when in fact it arrested

The Nigerian Navy is quite good at publicising videos of their personnel boarding
vessels suspected of conveying illicit crude and refined products. Where is the
Navy’s video of boarding this wooden boat and arresting the Tantita personnel?
How do you arrest oil thieves you claimed were using a wooden boat to steal crude
oil, on land? If indeed Tantita personnel were stealing crude with a boat, why did
they need to abandon their wooden boat laden with crude oil, tens of nautical
miles away from the crime scene to recover a dismantled outboard engine when
the wooden boat had working engines? There are too many gaps in the Navy press

In one breathe the Nigerian Navy is saying Tantita employees were caught trying to
steal an outboard engine and in another breathe they are saying the Tantita operatives were arrested for trying to forcibly employ the owner of the boat to do
their bidding. Quite interesting.

The arrest for four days and parade of Tantita staff by the Nigerian Navy as
common criminals is to be deprecated by all right thinking members of society; at
a time when our nation is in dire straits with the unparalleled loss of revenue from
a monocultural export-based economy, these family men put their lives at risk for
the good of the nation and are now being made to suffer ridicule for doing the
right thing. It serves to demoralise good men everywhere who have sought and are
seeking to do something to better our nation.

As soon as these men were arrested the management of Tantita reached out to the
Nigerian Navy seeking clarification of the situation, for four days the Navy said
they were investigating and that the men would be released. We now have the
outcome of their investigation in that poorly digested press release.
There are even more damning revelations, which out of courtesy to the Navy
hierarchy and the needs of national security we will not divulge on the pages of a

The continued detention by the Nigerian Navy of these five brave, selfless
Nigerians who risked their lives on the high seas to protect our commonwealth is a
disservice to our nation.



Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited

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