Lokoja/Kotonkarfe Fed. Constituency: The Ruse Against Lokoja 11 in Zoning.

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Lokoja/Kotonkarfe Fed. Constituency: The Ruse Against Lokoja 11 in Zoning.

—Hon. Arewa.

The inception of the 1999 Constitution 22 years ago, indeed has marked 6 set of elections and about to mark the 7th one in 2023 and in Lokoja/Kogi, the question now is where is the place of Lokoja ll after 22 years and moving into 25 years of silver jubilee of this constitution without a single slot or opportunity to her?

Truly, nobody gives you power, you must go and get it and that must not be to attacking the voiceless.

In all the 6 dispensations, or elections, Lokoja ll is either emasculated by Lokoja one constituency or Kogi(KKF) constituency.

Within the period under review, Lokoja ll constituents have been hopelessly kept in the dustbin of marginalization and ugly images of itself.

We of Lokoja ll constituency people, having remained patiently long and being continuously voting for the other 2 constituents, we want to let the cat out in 2023 10th National Assembly and in the direction of who is compassionated and Provident by example.

It is on record that in 1999, it was Kogi (KKF) constituency, and it keeping on repeating itself through 2003 as well as in 2019. It is also on record that in 2007 and 2011 as well as 2014 it was Lokoja one constituency that keep on repeating itself without any to Lokoja ll out of the 6 dispensations 22 years, except when a 9 month crack was created by nature and we saw GYB doing the alacrity.


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