ATA Igala Debacle; What the law says and where we are.

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*As Bello sets up final screening committee

The Igala Native Authority ( Modification law and custom) order section 49(3) of January 1961as amended states that a person to be the Ata Igala in respect of the bestowal of the title of Ata Igala shall be chosen by the Achadu Ata, in consultation with the traditional Igala Mela from the male line of Ayegba Omidoko who are members of the four ruling Houses of AjuAkogu, Ocholi, Amaecho and AjuAku .
The law went further to say that if there is divergence of views between the Igala Native Authority and Achadu in consultation with the Igalamela and it is not resolved within reasonable time, the Igala Native Authority shall nominate a candidate from one of the ruling houses and Achadu in consultation with Igalamela shall nominate a candidate. The two nominees shall be forwarded to the Governor who shall set up committee of inquiry to consider the two nominees and make recommendations thereon.
It think the Igala nation is experiencing this logjam for the first time in selection of their ATA, except the 1956 fiasco.
This is exactly what the governor has done.
Let us pray for the best.

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