Techpreneur; Unbundling MSME’s Towards Technology Driven Economy In Nigeria Through DBN

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Techpreneur; Unbundling MSME’s Towards Technology Driven Economy In Nigeria Through DBN.


Development Bank of Nigeria DBN has gone beyond it’s statutory three pronged roles into creating an enabling environment not only in Small and Medium Scale SME’s businesses, but overtures into technolgical breakthrough and developement of Nigeria.

To this end,out of over 190B disbursed to 7000, SME’s, technology and technical activities was also inculcated in view of the new drive towards advancement of technology driven society.

This is inline with the mandate of the Bank and Management resolve at ensuring new areas with high prospects are not left behind in all its interventions and programs.

Aside, encouraging specialist in the area of technology,the need to open up the global trend as the hub of a thriving economy world over cannot be overemphasized and overlooked, by Development Bank of Nigeria DBN.

To also achieve sustainable development, DBN has made it as a primary obligations of not only exploiting renewed areas ,but also exploring the potentials and exposing the need for more participation through awareness, interventions and supports.

Since the current era has less interference with human activities to technology,it is germane that huge investments in smart knowledge will be the best thing that will happen in Nigeria and across the globe.

It therefore means,that Development Bank of Nigeria DBN in it’s efforts in creating a favourable space in the ecosystem may not be digressing on it’s investment in technology.

Since Information Communication Technology ICT is now the biggest market, opportunities across the globe,it behoves on DBN to redouble efforts at mobilizing both human ,material and financial resources,so as to rejig the already fragile economy of Nigeria.

With ICT as the biggest contributor to the global economy,with Nigeria not an exception,it is obvious that the country’s GDP of up to 18% had stabilised the post COVID and recession economy in recent time.

Technology Driven economy and and it’s activities will also harness not only the local and universal solutions,but feature Nigeria economy competitively on the global map.

This can be done through more concerted efforts being initiated by Development Bank of Nigeria DBN and adopted as a National norm.

With N400B investments in MSME’s overtime,with technology not left out,it is a rage of stable of not only Nigeria economy, that will also guarantee social security and services in Nigeria.

With the current rate of unemployment and job losses,the new area of technology being driven by DBN,will be another leeway to creating new job opportunities to Nigerians.

Yusuf Writes From Abuja.

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