Gov. Bello has wiped pensioners’ tears—DG Pencom

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The Director General, Kogi State Pension Commission, Hajia Maryam Adedo has described the passion to put smiles on the faces of Pensioners in the State by Gov. Yahaya Bello as unprecedented.
The Director General made the disclosure at the annual get together of the Kogi Central Think Tank Forum, said the dogged determination by Gov. Bello to make positive impact in the payment of pension and gratuities is in realization of the fact that it is a right and not a privilege.
The Director General disclosed that the regular release of N100m monthly by Gov. Bello to offset gratuity by the present administration remains commendable, pointing out that if previous administration had shown political will like is being done presently, the issues of backlogs wouldn’t have been as challenging as it is today.
She disclosed that with the planned commencement of the contributory pension scheme expected to begin in the State, the age long challenge faced by retirees would soon be over.
She disclosed that while the State government is expected to contribute 10% with workers contributing 8%, said the State Government has finally keyed into the Federal Government directives to States, explained that the bill for the contributory pension scheme has already passed through the Assembly, and assented by the Governor.
She used the opportunity to assure the old retirees of getting all there money, but appealed for patience, stressing that the state government is working hard to defry the backlogs.
Hajia Maryam Adedo described Gov. Bello as one who is very much interested in the welfare of Pensioners, said the regular and sustained payment of pension and salaries alongside ongoing construction of legacy projects in the state, makes the loud calls for the Governor to aspire for the nation’s presidency as apt and one that would be in the interest of the nation.
The DG Pension Commission described all the ongoing road projects in the State, Confluence University of Science and Technology, Osara, Civic Centre, Health Infrastructure across the state amongst several other projects that are ongoing as unprecedented in the state’s history, commended Gov. Bello for balancing human and capital development.
Hajia Maryam Adedo particularly praised Gov. Yahaya Bello for his ability to make the State the most peaceful when compared to other states in Nigeria, praised his security architecture as unparalleled, pointing out that no meaningful development can be attained without security.
Earlier in his remarks, the Chairman, Kogi Central Think Tank Forum, Haroun Opotu Yusuf, said the forum began in 2008, is made up of eminent elders from the Central Senatorial District, with members comprising of people with latent minds, former SSGs, retired Permanent Secretaries, Directors, Businessmen, worthy men and women, said the forum is duly registered and has many affiliates.
Since its inception, the think tank Comr. Opotu disclosed has helped the district to rediscover itself politically, assisted the downtrodden, attracted developmental projects for the people, expressed satisfaction with the Unity of purpose said with advocacy the Forum has deployed in assisting the generality of the people.1q

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