Court orders Transport Unions to Remove trucks from Niger Road.

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Court orders Transport Unions to Remove trucks from Niger Road.

Yahaya Zakka Minna

Niger high court 3 sitting in Minna has granted order of interim injunction compelling the National Association of Road Transport Owners (NARTO), Road Transport Employer Association of Nigeria (RTEAN) and National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) to clear and remove all the blockade, barricade and obstruction on the Bida town,Bida to Minna road,Bida to Agaie,Lapai to Lambata road and Izom to Minna road.

This follow motion expatise forwarded to the court by Dan Almajir Endowment initiative praying the court to grant them an interim injunction compelling the respondents their members, servants,previes and agents to remove and clear all the blockade, barricade and obstruction on the said road’s by the willful packing of tankers,trucks and articulated vehicles and other vehicles.

Granting the order, the presiding Judge, Justice Mikailu Abdullahi granted the order to serve the respondents their members by pesting the order and all process at their branch offices in Niger state.

Justice Mikailu Abdullahi further order that the respondents their members, servants and Agents to clear all the blockade of their tankers, truck’s and order articulated vehicles pending the hearing on the determination on the originating motion.

Accordingly the order made shall be served on the first, second and third respondents and their members, servants, agents and previes at their branches in the state.

The case has been adjourned to the eight, October, twenty twenty one 08/10/2021 for hearing on the originating motion.

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