Niger  Magistrates warn against professional misconduct.

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Niger  Magistrates warn against professional misconduct.


By: Yahaya Zakka.

Magistrate In the service of Niger State Judiciary that is found  wanting in the discharge of its responsibilities will be severely dealt with in accordance with the laid down rule of the judicially service Commission.

The Acting Chief Judge of Niger State, Justice Halima Ibrahim Abdulmalik gave the warning while delivering speech at two interactive session for Magistrates in Minna recently.

She said that the Judiciary under Her watch will no longer accept any unprofessional conduct from any Magistrate warning that She will use the sledges hammer on any erring Magistrate.

The Acting chief judge maintained that she will not spare any Magistrate that is reported to have engage in unprofessional conduct in the process of discharging he or her responsibilities.

She stressed that  the session was organized to aquint the appointed Magistrates with the court proceedings and to also brainstorm on the day to day rule of court proceedings in order for them to leave up to their professional responsibility as Magistrate.

She then called on the participants to make proper use of the knowledge acquired from the training session so as to enable them perform effectively in their respective courts.

She advised them to take the interactive session very serious adding that there will a written examination after the two day session to determined the overall best.

In a paper presented at the Training Session with the topic, ” Arrangement And Bail In the Magistrate Court”

The Director in-charge of Probate, Nasiru Mu’azu, described bail as immense importance to the administration of Justice. stating that proper application of the principles creates a favourable atmosphere under which the confidence of the people in having  recourse to the court is enhanced.”

Arraignment is literally the formal reading of criminal charging documents in the presence of the Accused to inform him of the charge(s) against him. In response to arraignment, the accused is expected to enter plea vary amongst jurisdiction, but they generally include” Guilty, not Guilty” he explained.


He said, arraignment is the process of bringing an accused persons/ persons to the court inorder to formally accused them of crime or crimes adding that the supreme Court of Nigeria has in a number of cases laid down for valid arraignment.

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